Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Car Conversations Part 2

So this conversation was not between me and the boy, but between my husband and the boy. They were on the way home from school and the boy had done something that he knew resulted in a spanking. Below is the converstation as told to me by Steve:

Boy: Daddy? Can I take my shoes off?
Steve: No dude, we gotta go somewhere before we go home.
Boy: Already took them off Daddy
Steve: Well...you gotta have a consequence now
Boy: Oh. I didn't listen?
Steve: No, you didn't listen
Boy: Oh...not a spanking? How 'bout a time out?

Dang their smart even at 2! It's ridiculous. How do you punish the kid after that? Hilarious!


It's a Roller Coaster

Well...lovesandboy is about to become lovesandboyandgirl...wow that's really long!

About a month ago I got a call from my sister and the conversation went as follows:
Bekah: Hello?
Steph: How serious are you about adopting?
Bekah: (silence)
Steph: Hello?
Bekah: Ummmm...why?

She proceeded to tell me that she had gotten a phone call from someone who knew someone else that was wanting to give up her baby. She was 20 weeks pregnant, a single mom already and just couldn't raise another child by herself. It threw our whole weekend for a loop. After the phone call there was a lot of contemplative silence. And it lasted all weekend. We felt like we needed to take 72 hours to pray and when that 72 hours was over I looked and Steve and asked him what he was thinking. He said he knew we were supposed to take this baby the minute she called and I said, "I felt the same way!" but neither of us wanted to be the first one to say it. That day we told our liason that our answer was yes and we heard back that night that our baby mama also said yes to us.

Steve and I have been trying to have another baby for about 2 years now but have had a complete peace about the whole thing. For some reason I have wanted to have a baby in February, maybe mostly because I would avoid the enormousness in the heat of summer. So when the time came and passed for us, I was a little sad but held on to Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you..." He has never failed us! Well...ironically, but not coincidentally, our baby GIRL's due date is February 20th. God is hilarious! :)

We are very excited and looking forward to this addition to our family. The boy is going to be a big brother, and although he doesn't fully comprehend the fullness of that, he is very excited!

When all of this came down I struggled with the fear that I might not be able to love her as much as I do the boy but God spoke this to me. That He was the one that decided who this little girl's parents would be just the same as he decided who the boy's parents would be. That they belong to Him anyway and we are just lucky enough to get to take care of them for a while.

We pray for our baby mama every day and know that God has put her in our life for a reason. She will forever have at least 2 people praying for her.

We are so thankful to God for this opportunity to expand our family and can't wait for all that's to come! We're on the adoption roller coaster now...so here we go :)
